Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Over the hump!!

As of yesterday, I am finally over my slump! Woo hoo!! I'm still not sure what was going on with my lack of energy and overall crummy mood. But it's gone!

I had great workouts at Stroller Strides yesterday and this morning, and had an exciting accomplishment at Body Back tonight. We had another "traveling" class. I really enjoy those. The class seems to go by so much faster and the change in scenery really breaks up the workout. Tonight's class really focused on our legs - hamstrings and quadriceps. I think at every location we moved to, we did squats. Squats, squats, squats. 

Then we were on to "the hill." Oh, how we loathe the hill. After running up and down a few times in partners, we hear, "competition." Now, I am about the furthest thing from 'competitive.' It really doesn't matter to me who wins at most things. Sure, I try, but if it's too hard or boring, or whatever, I give up. (I know, you don't want me on your team.) I'm not sure why. I just don't feel like a little snapshot from a competition defines who I am in the rest of my life. Maybe it does? Maybe it says to others that I don't care or that I am weak? But then I guess that's my other problem, I don't usually worry myself with others' opinions of me.

So anyway...we had a competition. Right away, I'm thinking, "Okay, I'll do it. Whatever." But then I hear, " shirt..." Dude, I am SO IN! Free shirt?! Heck yeah, I want a free shirt. Wait, what do I have to do for this free shirt? Oh, crap. A SQUAT competition? We just did a jillion squats! Not to mention Stroller Strides on Tuesday was all about squats. I think we did close to 150 squats throughout class. So then, I'm mentally "out" again. Bethany tells us whoever can hold a squat position the longest gets a Body Back shirt or tank of their choosing. Motivation! I can do this!!

We start the competition, and almost immediately, it sucks. I'm ready to quit. I look around, and no one else seems to be struggling! How is that? I can't be the only one hurting. And I definitely can't be the first one to quit! So there is my goal, don't be the first one out. Sounds easy, right? After longer than I anticipated, someone quits. Okay, I made it this long, maybe I can wait out another person. And this is my goal. Then it's down to four of us. Oh! My legs are burning, and I can tell the others' are too. Four way tie? I asked. Nope. Maybe I can wait out just one more person.

Somehow, it's down to me and one other momma. Wow! We're both waiting for the other to drop, though I know she is strong and determined. I'm worried. I don't think I can outlast her. And I'm thinking, "Man, it stinks to have gone this long to loose!" I keep telling myself, "free shirt..." Like my little mantra. And the more I tell myself this, the less I feel my legs burning. Have they gone numb? Nope, still feel 'em! Quick, think about the free shirt again. ; )

We're over five minutes in. Our cruel (kidding!) instructor enlists some of the others to push down on our backs for more resistance in the squat. Apparently we lasted longer than she expected, so she was gunning to end the competition so we could finish our workout. Luckily I had one of the NICEST partners giving me resistance. At the end, over seven minutes in, it was called a tie! Woo hoo!! FREE SHIRT! And yes, a big accomplishment for me, too.

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