Monday's workout was really good. I think I'm finally getting used to these high-intensity workouts. The hour goes by really quickly when you're going nonstop. : ) We did our exercises while "traveling." Ha, I wish I was REALLY traveling, but running from station to station does make the class go by faster. We warmed up inside, and then jogged outdoors for our first station. We had lots of new scenery for our class today. Bethany even managed to find a hill. Our favorite! (Note the sarcasm.) One of the more fun stations was a partner activity, Biggest Loser style. One person held a resistance band around the torso of the other, and tried to prevent them from running by pulling back on the band. I wish I had a picture of this, it was quite humorous.
I did get pictures from Wednesday's workout. Yay! (They're out of order, but hey, I got some pics!) We did a couple laps outside in the parking lot before the big storm rolled in. We paired up and got to it. I was VERY surprised how hard it was to hold a plank position on the stability ball. On the floor, I can do up to three minutes. On this thing, I was dying at one minute.
Plank on Stability Ball |
We also used the stability ball to do back extensions. This really targeted the lower back! This was great for me, because I think my lower back is very weak.
Back Extensions on Stability Ball |
Last one on the ball. Hip bridge, targeting the hamstrings and glutes. Once I figured out how to do this, and not roll off the ball, it was intense! (In the background, doing lunges while taking the kettle bell side to side.)
Hip Bridge on Stability Ball |
We used our resistance bands to do a dead lift with a row. This took me a bit to figure out, too. I know, you're not surprised. Besides the fact that I have ZERO knowledge about dead lifts (and exercising in general), I look at Bethany and what she's showing us, and totally feel like I'm doing the exact same thing. Apparently, I'm not. I don't know how to make my body do what you're doing... A little one-on-one, and I think I've got it!
Dead lift with Row |
My last pic. Squats with the 10 pound kettle bell. I enjoyed this one. : ) It was fun, and we could actually catch our breath for a minute.
Kettle Bell Squats |
We had lots of other exercises we rotated through, too. Triceps dips, pushups with one hand on a kettle bell, lateral raises with our bands... It was a great workout! I was drenched at the end of our workout. This coming from someone who doesn't like to sweat, and who really didn't think I was a "sweater."
I've tried to change my eating a little more this week. I'm still doing my protein smoothie in the the mornings with spinach. I bought some kale to try when I used up all the spinach. Why not? The spinach was hidden in there, I'm sure this would be the same, right? Ugh! No!! It was so gross. Some of the ladies at Stroller Strides told me it was because I didn't use a banana this time. I was out, I really didn't think it would make that much of a difference. We'll see if I'm brave enough to try the kale again...
You are doing a great job!!!